Sun Community Health (“SCH”) is a non-profit, non-political and non- sectarian organization. It is a national non- governmental organization in Myanmar.
Its existence aims to promote and provide information on services and products related to the prevention, promotion, treatment, and rehabilitation of major health areas, including but not limited to: HIV/AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis, maternal and child health, reproductive health, and non-communicable diseases more efficiently. SCH’s overarching aim is to advance good health, prosperity and relief from poverty, distress, and sickness.
SCH has been deconsolidated from Population Services International which is a key public health implementing partner for more than 25 years in Myanmar. SCH continues to take over the role of working with all stakeholders to reduce morbidity and mortality by educating people about healthy behavior and improving (and measuring) the private sector’s ability to provide high quality health products and services at prices affordable to low-income clients.
The Organization is established in particular to advance socially beneficial purposes in Myanmar by promoting and providing information, services and products related to the prevention, promotion, curation and rehabilitation of the major health services including but not limited to HIV/AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis, maternal and child health, reproductive health and non-communicable diseases with the aim of furthering good health, prosperity and the relief of poverty, distress and sickness. This also includes state-of-art training programs, quality assurance programs, and a robust supply chain and logistics system and health financing mechanisms. The Organization also provides non-health related ancillary services that ensure and improve the well-being of its clientele.
In furtherance of the purposes hereinbefore defined, the Organization shall:
(i) Maintain and expand Sun Quality Health (SQH) network, consists of independently-owned and operated, private general practitioner clinics which provide low-income patients with a basic package of family planning and primary health care prevention and treatment services in urban, peri-urban and rural areas. These doctors are trained by the Organization and the quality of their services routinely monitored in accordance with international standards.
(ii) Serve harder-to-reach clients through multiple community-level programs that deliver a range of essential, quality health products and services through trained non-medical health providers. These providers include pharmacies, drug sellers, retail shops, market stalls, itinerant vendors and village health workers.
(iii) Obtain, collect and receive money and funds by way of contribution, donations, legacies, grants and other lawful method, and accept and receive gifts or property of any description whether subject to any special trusts or not.
(iv) Arrange and provide for, or join in arranging and providing for, the holding of exhibitions, meetings, lectures, seminars, workshops and classes to further the purposes of the Organization.
(v) Collect and report data for monitoring purposes, and promote, encourage or undertake organized research and experimental work and foster and encourage local industry and service capabilities related to the purpose of the organization
(vi) Affiliate or become affiliated to any charitable body having charitable purposes or a charitable purpose only as its objects or object and acquire and undertake all or any part of the assets, liabilities and engagements of any such body, which the Organization may lawfully acquire.
(vii) Own or lease or otherwise acquire movable and immovable property of all kinds.
(viii) Do and perform such other acts and things as may be required to give effect to the objects set out above.