Sun Community Health (SCH) is a National Non-Governmental organization that has been established in Myanmar since January 1, 2022.

Deliver quality healthcare through networks and partners in sustainable and innovative ways.


Power of the community, to access the healthcare they need.

Five Core Values

Growth, Responsibility, Empowerment, Adaptability, Trust

What We Do

SCH’s Health Programs

Actions & Plans

Strategy & Approach

Maintain and expand

Sun Quality Health (SQH) network.

Obtain, collect and receive money and funds

by way of contribution, donations, legacies, grants and other lawful method

Serve harder to reach

clients through multiple community-level programs including village health workers, pharmacies, drug sellers, retail shops, market stalls and itinerant vendors

Arrange and provide

the holding of exhibitions, meetings, lectures, seminars, workshops and classes for improving service qualities and meeting standards

Trained by the organization

and the quality of their services routinely monitored in accordance with the international standards

Collect and report

data for monitoring purposes, and promote, encourage or undertake organized research and experimental work