SCH’s Health Programs
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Goal: To eliminate the indigenous transmission of P. falciparum malaria by 2025 and put Myanmar on the path to eliminate all human malaria by 2030.
Target Group/Beneficiaries: to reach forest goers and mobile migrant ethnic vulnerable populations (MMEVP) through the introduction of community health services channel at the hard to reach, rural and border areas.
The package of services and activities include but not limited to:
1) Private sector case management through private medical doctors and private outlets, and integrated community malaria case management through CHSPs in the following activities:
- intensified case detection in high-burden areas
- mobile outreach to nearby communities and new settlements to provide RDT testing, other integrated services and social and behavior change communication (SBCC) sessions
- supporting NMCP in case investigation and reactive case detection
24-hour case notification, case investigation interviewed, case classification and response action in malaria elimination areas
2) Vector control through CHSPs to provide 100% LLIN coverage to key at-risk groups including mobile migrant worksite employees and communities in endemic townships and to ensure high coverage and high LLIN usage supported by SBCC activities
Maternal and Child Health
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- Improving the readiness and quality of essential maternal and child health services provided by General Practitioners from SQH Network through capacity building and routine quality assessment
- Increasing access to maternal and child health care services by reducing financial barriers through beneficiary support scheme
- Improving access to health information and knowledge on maternal and child health care through targeted social media campaign
SCH provides technical support to Sun GPs by facilitating regular online sharing sessions with consultant OBGYNs and pediatricians as a platform for refreshers and updates on the latest trends in clinical management in terms of maternal and child health care. In addition, SCH facilitates to organize basic ultrasound training focusing on pregnancy and ANC for model clinic providers with the technical support of consultant radiologist.
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TB diagnosis and treatment services are provided as Public-Private Mixed model through the franchised network of private SQH GP clinics. Hidden TB cases finding activities are also conducted in rural and urban poor areas through Community volunteers’ network and drug sellers. The mobile TB diagnostic team equipped with portable digital X-Ray conduct active case finding in Yangon high burden townships together with other consortium partners. TB- HIV integrated services, Diabetes screening for TB patients and referral for MDR-TB diagnosis become parts of PPM-DOTS clinics in line with National TB Treatment Guidelines.
The package of services and activities include but not limited to:
- Engagement of private clinics in PPM-DOTS activities to find missing TB cases:
- Accelerated TB case finding and referral by Drug sellers:
- Community-Based TB care (CBTBC) in urban poor and rural areas
- TB-HIV integrated services (HIV screening for TB patients) in the private sector Sun clinics
- Detection of co-morbid disease, Diabetes Mellitus (DM) among TB patients
- Accelerated TB response in Yangon region with mobile ACF teams
- Response to COVID-19 and using digital tools to support operation and treatment adherence
- Advocacy, communication and social mobilization (ACSM) activities
99DOTS is a mobile technology to strengthen TB treatment adherence monitoring through real-time tracking of drug taking which was initiated in India and has piloted in PPM GPs since 2016. The main objective of the project is to increase treatment success rate by improving medication adherence with the support of 99DOTS.
Family Health/ Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
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Goal - to improve SRH outcomes among women of reproductive age who are in peri-urban poor or residing in hard-to-reach and conflict areas via increasing access to right-based quality family planning products and services, regardless of marital status, and by inclusion of specific groups such as migrants from remote regions. The package of services and activities include but not limited to -
- Provision of family Planning Services to the vulnerable population including short term and long-term contraceptive and health education regarding cervical cancer, adolescent reproductive health and gender inclusion
- Providing one stop cervical cancer screening and cryotherapy preventive treatment through trained SQH providers
- Promoting access of the targeted youth populations to ASRH information and health services through interpersonal communications through CHSPs, IPCs and peer educators, development and distribution of communication materials that reinforce ASRH information, provision of AYFHS services through trained SQH GPs, and delivering ASRH messages and information such as youth-friendly service delivery points through social media
- Child delivery support activity as a humanitarian response with the objective of supporting the deliveries of pregnant women seeking AN Care and Child Delivery Services at private health facilities
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Goal - to further reduce HIV transmission and HIV-related morbidity and mortality in line with the guiding strategies of the National Strategic Plan (NSP) for HIV 2021-2025.
The SQH network provides an essential package of HIV services integrated into general health services to enhance access for OVPs. In addition, some hidden key populations who are not comfortable visiting Key Population Service Centers (KPSC) are referred to Sun through community referrals, as well as through peer health workers of the partner organizations.
Community-referred HIV testing in which existing volunteers provide health education sessions and refer to Sun clinics for counseling and testing. Linkage to care is handled by Sun clinic doctors.
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SCH integrates COVID-19 risk communication, symptomatic screening, testing, referral and OPD treatment activities to existing network activities to control COVID-19 among general community reached by SCH providers.
Goal: To control COVID-19 situation and to reduce morbidity and mortality of COVID-19 patients
Target Group/Beneficiaries: to reach general population mainly living in urban poor area and rural area through the introduction of one stop service at QC center and selected Sun clinics
Mental Health
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Counselor from QC Center provides HIV counselling and deliver information of the CETA services and placed with an appropriate after administering the CETA assessment checklist.
He/she also works as hotline CETA counsellor (by phones) for the beneficiaries (all general populations) who have been suffering from current political instability and COVID-19 burden to provide remote CETA counselling for treatment as needed.
Health System Stregthening- Strategic Purchasing
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Goal - to demonstrate health financing strategies for reduction of out-of-pocket payment by poor and vulnerable people. Strategic purchasing arrangements with output-based provider payment mechanism have been applied to purchase package of primary care and child delivery services from a range of private sector providers that includes hospital, general practitioner, and community-based health worker. Implementation experiences and findings are to be contributed to national health plan and health financing strategy for scaling up the strategic purchasing activity in order to support the country goal of achieving universal health coverage by 2030.
Private Sector Notification and Disease Surveillance
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SCH has successfully trained Sun Providers to report malaria positive case using Facebook messenger Notifiable Diseases Information System (NODIS) Chatbot since 2020. SCH continues to expand a private sector component of the public health notifiable disease surveillance system through DHIS2 as the overall surveillance system for selected notifiable diseases with the aims to improve Myanmar’s national capacity for timely and effective detection of, and response to, high priority infectious diseases. Private sector notifiable disease surveillance includes but not be limited to: TB, measles, dengue, chikungunya, etc.
Non-Communicable Disease (NCD)
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Promotion of important Lab Services for Diabetes care in Sun clinics by distribution of Nyco Card reader II Analyzer devices and reagent test kits for HbA1c testing with subsidized price